Diamond Lager yeast is a true lager strain originating in Germany. Chosen for its robust character, LalBrew® Diamond Lager yeast delivers excellent fermentation performance and has the ability to produce clean, authentic lagers.
Diamond Lager is very similar (in my personal experience) to Saflager W-34/70 yeast. It is very well balanced and produces clean flavours and high drinkable beers.
BEERS TO BREW: Munich Helles, Dortmunder Export, German Pilsner, Bohemian Pilsner, American Pilsner, Vienna Lager, Oktoberfest/Märzen, Dark American Lager, Munich Dunkel, Schwarzbier, Traditional Bock, Doppelbock, Eisbock and California Common.
INGREDIENTS: Yeast (Saccharomyces pastorianus).
FERMENTATION: Ideally at 10-15°C (50-59°F).
PITCHING: 22g (two sachets) per 20-23 L (100 - 200g/hL to achieve a minimum of 5 - 10 million cells/mL).
REHYDRATION INSTRUCTIONS: Rehydration of Diamond Lager is recommended for use, and will reduce osmotic stress on the yeast when rehydrated and pitched in liquid form. Rehydration guidelines are quite simple, and present a much lower risk of contamination than a starter which is unnecessary with dried active yeast. Sprinkle the yeast on the surface of 10 times its weight in clean, sterilized water at 30-35°C (86-95F). Do not use wort, or distilled or reverse osmosis water, as loss in viability will result. DO NOT STIR. Leave undisturbed for 15 minutes, then stir to suspend yeast completely, and leave it for 5 more minutes at 30-35°C. Then adjust the temperature to that of the wort and inoculate without delay. Attemperate in steps at 5-minute intervals of 10°C to the temperature of the wort by mixing aliquots of wort. Do not allow attemperation to be carried out by natural heat loss. This will take too long and could result in loss of viability or vitality. Temperature shock, at greater than 10°C, will cause formation of petite mutants leading to long-term or incomplete fermentation and possible formation of undesirable flavors. Diamond Lager yeast has been conditioned to survive rehydration. The yeast contains an adequate reservoir of carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids to achieve active growth. It is unnecessary to aerate wort upon first use. When using Lallemand Brewing Yeasts, you may repitch the yeast just as you would any other type of yeast according to your brewery’s SOP for yeast handling.
STORAGE: Diamond Lager yeast should be stored dry below 10C° (50°F) Diamond Lager will rapidly lose activity after exposure to air. Do not use 500g or 11g packs that have lost vacuum.
SHELF LIFE: Refer to best before end date printed on the sachet. Opened packs must be re-closed, stored in dry conditions below 4°C, and used within 3 days. If the opened package is re-vacuum sealed immediately after opening, yeast can be stored for up to two weeks below 4°C.
Percent solids 93% - 97%
Living Yeast Cells ≥ 5 x 10^9 per gram of dry yeast
Wild Yeast < 1 per 10^6 yeast cells
Bacteria < 1 per 10^6 yeast cells
Pathogenic micro-organisms: in accordance with regulation