This is Traditional Norwegian Kveik Brewing yeast culture from Voss, Norway. The LalBrew® Voss strain was obtained from Sigmund Gjernes (Voss, Norway), who has maintained this culture using traditional methods since the 1980s and generously shared it with the wider brewing community. LalBrew® Voss Kveik supports a wide range of fermentation temperatures between 25-40°C (77-104°F) with a very high optimal range of 35-40°C (95-104°F). Very fast fermentations are achieved within the optimal temperature range with full attenuation typically achieved within 2-3 days. The flavour profile is consistent across the entire temperature range: neutral with subtle fruity notes of orange and citrus. Flocculation is very high producing clear beers without filtration or use of process aids. It also works surprisingly well in meads.
Below is general information about the Kveik yeast:
- Norwegian brewers have been using and passing down the yeast that they use to make farmhouse ales for generations.
- Kveik yeast has a crazy heat tolerance. It'll deliver consistent results up to 40°C.
- The lag time and fermentation time is short. It can start bubbling an hour after you pitch it and finish off a regular batch in just three days.
- When it's done with fermentation it'll fall out of suspension quickly. Very high flocculation!
- Quite high alcohol tolerance up to 14% ABV.
- You can collect it, dry it, freeze it and re-use it.
- Works great with high OG.
BEERS TO BREW: Farm-house Ale, American Pale Ale, American IPA, American IIPA, American Stout, American Amber/Red, American Brown, American Barleywine, American Wheat & rye, Specialty/Fruit/Veg/Spiced beers, Cream Ale, Irish Red and Scottish shilling beers, Dusseldorf Alt, Meads.
INGREDIENTS: Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
FERMENTATION: up to 40°C (104°F).
PITCHING: 11 g per 23 L. Ideal pitching temperature is 34-39°C
ATTENUATION: 80% (residual sugars 11 g/l).
REHYDRATION INSTRUCTIONS: Rehydration of dry brewing yeast in sterile water is generally recommended prior to pitching into wort in order to reduce stress on the cell as it transitions from dry to liquid form. However, our research suggests that pitching LalBrew® Voss directly into wort without prior rehydration will often result in better
performance including shorter lag-phase and greater attenuation. Use of a rehydration nutrient such as Go-Ferm Protect Evolution has been shown to improve fermentation
performance for difficult fermentations. Rehydration guidelines are quite simple and present a much lower risk of contamination than a starter, which is unnecessary when using the recommended pitch rate of dried active yeast. Sprinkle the yeast on the surface of 10 times its weight in clean, sterilized water at 30-35°C (86-95F). Do not use wort, or distilled or reverse osmosis water, as loss in viability may result. Stir gently, leave undisturbed for 15 minutes, then stir to suspend yeast completely. Leave it to rest for 5 more minutes at 30-35°C. Without delay, adjust the temperature to that of the wort by mixing aliquots of wort with the rehydrated yeast. Wort should be added in 5 minute intervals and taking care not to lower the temperature by more than 10°C at a time. Temperature shock of >10°C will cause formation of petite mutants leading to extended or incomplete fermentation and possible formation of undesirable flavors. Do not allow attemperation to be carried out by natural heat loss. This will take too long and could result in loss of viability or vitality. Inoculate without delay into cooled wort in the fermenter. LalBrew® Voss yeast has been conditioned to survive rehydration. The yeast contains an adequate reserve of carbohydrates and unsaturated fatty acids to achieve active growth. It is unnecessary to aerate wort upon first use.
STORAGE: LalBrew® Voss yeast should be stored in a vacuum-sealed package in dry conditions below 4C° (39°F). LalBrew® Voss will rapidly lose activity after exposure to air. Do not use 500g or 11g packs that have lost vacuum. Opened packs must be re-sealed, stored in dry conditions below 4°C (39°F), and used within 3 days. If the opened package is re-sealed under vacuum immediately after opening, yeast can be stored below 4C° (39°F) until the indicated expiry date. Do not use yeast after the expiry date printed on the pack. Performance is guaranteed when stored correctly and before the expiry date. However, Lallemand dry brewing yeast is very robust and some strains can tolerate brief periods under sub-optimal conditions.